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- <text>
- <title>
- Turkey
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- <article>
- <hdr>
- Human Rights Watch World Report 1992
- Helsinki Watch: Turkey
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p>Human Rights Developments
- </p>
- <p> Respect for human rights deteriorated markedly in Turkey in
- 1991. In comparison with 1990, more people died in detention
- under suspicious circumstances, and more people were shot and
- killed by security forces in raids on houses, attacks on
- demonstrations and other suspicious circumstances. Torture
- continued to be rampant. Writers were detained and prosecuted.
- Journals were banned and confiscated. And the freedoms of
- assembly and association were frequently infringed.
- </p>
- <p> Turkey's Kurdish minority, in particular, continued to
- suffer. As the Turkish government launched attacks on the
- Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK)--a militant separatist
- organization which has been waging a guerrilla war against the
- Turkish government since 1984--villagers were detained,
- arrested, tortured and sometimes killed by official security
- forces. In addition, hundreds of civilians were forced to
- abandon their villages because they refused to provide armed
- village guards as directed by the security forces.
- </p>
- <p> On the positive side, thousands of political prisoners were
- released from prison, some of whom had been in prison for as
- long as ten years. The Turkish Grand National Assembly repealed
- several onerous provisions of the Penal Code, but unfortunately
- replaced them with an equally onerous Anti-Terror Law.
- </p>
- <p> Torture continues to be used routinely in Turkey, largely in
- the political sections of police headquarters during the
- investigative phase of a case. During 1991, Helsinki Watch
- received regular allegations of torture in detention, including
- beatings; spraying naked and blindfolded prisoners with highly
- pressurized cold water; suspending prisoners by their wrists or
- arms; applying electric shocks; rape and attempted rape;
- forcing a truncheon into the vagina or anus; squeezing genitals;
- falaka (beating on the soles of the feet); sleep deprivation;
- denial of food or water; dragging prisoners along the ground;
- placing prisoners in a tire and beating them; forcing prisoners
- to sleep on a wet floor; forcing prisoners to listen to others
- being tortured; spitting in prisoners' mouths; denying
- permission to use the toilet; and pulling or burning hair.
- </p>
- <p> Torture is practiced on children as well as adults. Helsinki
- Watch has received credible reports of children between the
- ages of eleven and seventeen who were detained by police and
- beaten in custody for such offenses as writing political slogans
- on walls, taking part in demonstrations, or belonging to
- illegal organizations.
- </p>
- <p> Although then-Prime Minister Turgut Ozal issued a decree in
- September 1989 requiring that detainees have immediate access
- to attorneys, access is almost never granted. Prompt access to
- an attorney and family members could be an important step
- toward ending the practice of torture during police
- investigations.
- </p>
- <p> In some recent cases, torture appears to have resulted in
- death. Helsinki Watch received reports of deaths in detention
- under suspicious circumstances of fifteen people in 1991. In
- three of these cases, Turkish authorities alleged that the
- prisoners had killed themselves.
- </p>
- <p> In six of the fifteen cases, authorities reported that the
- deaths were under investigation. In a seventh case, two
- security-force members are on trial for killing a detainee.
- Helsinki Watch has received no reports of prosecutions of
- police, gendarmes or soldiers. Torturers and others responsible
- for deaths in detention are rarely investigated and tried and
- almost never convicted. Abdulkadir Aksu, the former minister of
- the interior, reported that in the past ten years only thirty
- of 382 security officers tried on charges of inflicting torture
- were convicted. Many of those convicted were sentenced to no
- more than a fine. Major Cafer Tayyar Caglayan, for example, who
- was convicted of forcing residents of Yesilyurt village in
- Cizre, Mardin, to eat human excrement, was initially sentenced
- to one year in prison, but on July 18, 1991, his sentence was
- commuted to a fine and then suspended.
- </p>
- <p> During 1991, Helsinki Watch received reports of forty-five
- fatal shootings by police or gendarmes in raids on houses,
- attacks on demonstrations, and other suspicious circumstances.
- In some cases, government authorities characterized these
- incidents as shoot-outs between security forces and terrorists,
- or as responses to provocation on the part of demonstrators or
- others.
- </p>
- <p> Nineteen of the forty-five fatalities were people who were
- killed in raids on houses in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara. In
- each case, police alleged that the houses were used by militant
- left-wing groups. Police accounts in most of these cases
- conflicted with those of eyewitnesses as to whether the police
- had been fired upon. However, no police were reported killed in
- any of these raids, which strongly suggests that the killings
- were summary executions.
- </p>
- <p> In addition, ten people, including children aged eleven and
- thirteen, were killed by police using live ammunition as a
- method of crowd control during demonstrations in 1991. Most of
- these demonstrations were apparently peaceful. In one case,
- during a demonstration at the funeral for human rights activist
- Vedat Aydin, whose murder is described below, police fired live
- ammunition into a crowd of thousands in Diyarbakir, killing
- seven people. The police claimed, but eyewitnesses denied, that
- stones had been thrown at security forces. Whichever is the
- case, the throwing of stones would not have justified the use
- of lethal force. The U.N.'s Basic Principles on the Use of Force
- and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials prescribe that "[l]aw
- enforcement officials shall not use firearms against persons
- except in self-defense or defense of others against the
- imminent threat of death or serious injury...and only when less
- extreme means are insufficient to achieve these objectives. In
- any event, intentional lethal use of firearms may only be made
- when strictly avoidable in order to protect life."
- </p>
- <p> Helsinki Watch also received reports from southeastern and
- western Turkey of sixteen extrajudicial killings in 1991 under
- other suspicious and often unexplained circumstances.
- </p>
- <p> On April 12, the Turkish Parliament enacted an extremely
- disturbing Anti-Terror Law. The law defines terrorism so
- broadly that almost anyone can be convicted, including, for
- example, anyone who presses for changes in Turkey's economic or
- social system. Terrorism is defined as "any kind of action
- conducted by one or several persons belonging to an organization
- with the aim of changing the characteristics of the Republic as
- specified in the Constitution, the political, legal, social,
- secular and economic system."
- </p>
- <p> The Act contains other troubling provisions as well, which:
- </p>
- <p>-- Limit the right of counsel for those charged with terrorism.
- </p>
- <p>-- Make it more difficult to convict police or other government
- officials responsible for acts of torture.
- </p>
- <p>-- Exempt police officers who have taken a confession from
- testifying in court about the circumstances of the confession.
- </p>
- <p>-- Restrict prison privileges for convicted terrorists.
- </p>
- <p>-- Limit meetings and demonstrations.
- </p>
- <p>-- Curtail press freedom.
- </p>
- <p>Since enactment of the Anti-Terror Law, Helsinki Watch has
- received many reports of people prosecuted for hanging
- political posters, holding meetings of relatives of prisoners,
- publishing articles or books concerning Kurdish questions, and
- similar offenses.
- </p>
- <p> During 1991, scores of journalists, editors and writers were
- investigated, charged, tried and sometimes convicted for what
- they had written, edited or published. The Turkish Daily News
- reported in May 1991 that members of the press had faced a
- judge 586 times during 1990, and had received final sentences
- totaling over 126 years in prison. Statistics for the number of
- cases prosecuted in 1991 are not yet available, but Helsinki
- Watch has seen no indication of a decrease in the number of
- journalists and others who have been prosecuted.
- </p>
- <p> In the early months of 1991, journalists and writers were
- frequently charged under Articles 141, 142 and 162 of the Penal
- Code, which were aimed at combating communism, separatism and
- advocacy of a religious state. After the repeal of these
- articles, and the release from prison of dozens of journalists
- and writers who had been charged under these provisions,
- journalists began to be charged under the new Anti-Terror Law.
- Writers have been tried for such offenses as "criticizing" or
- "insulting" President Ozal, printing "anti-military
- propaganda," "criticizing the Turkish judicial system," and
- "humiliating the spiritual dignity of the government via
- publication."
- </p>
- <p> Turkish authorities also confiscated and banned dozens of
- issues of small, mostly left-wing journals, raided editorial
- offices, and detained and tortured journalists. The target of
- this abuse was mostly journals that report on the situation in
- southeastern Turkey. Decree 413, issued in April 1990, and its
- successor decrees, 424 and 430, have sharply restricted press
- coverage of the Kurdish struggle in the southeast. The journals
- 2000'e Dogru (Towards 2000), Hedef (Target), Deng (Voice), Yeni
- Cozum (New Solution), Mucadele (Struggle) and Yeni Ulke (New
- Land) have been particularly at risk.
- </p>
- <p> Freedom of assembly continues to be restricted in Turkey.
- During 1991, dozens of meetings, demonstrations and marches
- were banned, and dozens of demonstrators and marchers were
- prosecuted. In addition, as noted, police have used live
- ammunition as a method of crowd control, shooting and killing
- with no apparent justification ten people during large
- demonstrations.
- </p>
- <p> Turkish associations continue to be restricted and, in some
- cases, closed. In February 1991, the Turkish Human Rights
- Association reported that, during 1990, the government had
- closed twenty-seven associations, raided fifty-nine others, and
- detained hundreds of association members. Statistics for 1991
- are not yet available.
- </p>
- <p> Associations closed during 1991 include: Ozgur-Der (the
- Association of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms); the Kadikoy,
- Istanbul, branch of People's Houses; the Construction Workers'
- Solidarity Association; and the Cankaya and Kecioren People's
- Houses. Other branches of the People's Houses were raided, as
- was the Revolutionary Youth Association in Istanbul. In
- addition, eight members of the Nurses' Association were tried
- for a lunch boycott organized to protest a ban on public
- officers organizing a union.
- </p>
- <p> The Kurdish minority in Turkey continues to be a target of
- government abuse in 1991. Thousands of villagers in the
- southeast have abandoned their homes, fields and animals rather
- than comply with government orders to provide armed village
- guards to assist security forces. Kurdish villagers are
- frequently caught between the separatist guerrilla group, the
- PKK, and security forces. Village guards are particularly
- targeted by the PKK, but the PKK killed civilians as well. In
- addition, Kurdish villagers were detained, tortured and
- imprisoned by security forces.
- </p>
- <p> The Turkish government continues to deny the ethnic identity
- of the Kurdish minority. Although a law outlawing the use of
- the Kurdish language was repealed in April, Kurdish continues
- to be forbidden in official settings, at public meetings, and
- in prison meetings between lawyers and their clients. No books,
- magazines or other written materials are permitted to be
- published in the Kurdish language, and restrictions on Kurdish
- music and dance remain in force.
- </p>
- <p>The Right to Monitor
- </p>
- <p> A large human rights association, with branches in nearly
- every province, continues to operate legally in Turkey, but
- human rights monitors, particularly those in southeastern
- Turkey, were under attack during 1991. On July 5, former teacher
- Vedat Aydin, one of the founders of the Diyarbakir branch of the
- Human Rights Association (HRA) and the president of the People's
- Labor Party (HEF) in Diyarbakir, was taken from his home by
- several armed men who identified themselves as police officers.
- On July 8, his body was found at a roadside outside of
- Diyarbakir; his skull was fractured, his legs were broken, and
- his body contained fifteen or sixteen bullet wounds. No one has
- been charged with his slaying.
- </p>
- <p> Aydin's murder was the fourth violent incident directed at
- members of the Human Rights Association in southeastern Turkey
- during June and July. On June 18, an explosive device destroyed
- the car of lawyer and HRA member Mustafa Ozer, which was parked
- outside his house. On June 25, at midnight, the Diyarbakir
- office of the HRA was bombed, causing extensive damage. On July
- 2, a car bomb exploded in Batman, injuring Siddik Tan, a board
- member of the Batman HRA, his ten-year-old son and a friend.
- Earlier, the Siirt branch office of the HRA was destroyed and
- the secretary of the Urfa branch of the HRA, Ramazan Ferat, was
- beaten.
- </p>
- <p> Activities of three HRA branches--in Batman, Gaziantep and
- Urfa--were suspended by provincial governors during 1991. The
- Mersin branch was closed by the government in May.
- </p>
- <p> Members of the HRA continue to be detained and sometimes
- charged. In two cases, in Ankara and Gaziantep, board members
- of the association were acquitted of charges involving their
- association activities.
- </p>
- <p>U.S. Policy
- </p>
- <p> Despite reported behind-the-scenes efforts to persuade the
- Turkish government to make changes, and public criticism of
- Turkey's human rights practices by the State Department and the
- U.S. Embassy, the Bush Administration has had no visible impact
- on the human rights situation in Turkey. This inability to
- promote an end to serious human rights violations was due in
- large part to the Administration's unwillingness to link aid
- and human rights, as required by U.S. law.
- </p>
- <p> Turkey continues to be an important U.S. ally, a fact
- highlighted in 1991 by the Turkish government's active support
- of the United States during the Persian Gulf conflict.
- President Bush's visit to Turkey in July was the first by an
- American president in over thirty years. He emphasized the need
- for "a new strategic relationship based on closer political,
- security, and economic links," and went on to say:
- </p>
- <p> "We value Turkey's NATO partnership, its commitment to
- democracy, and its integral position in the Western community.
- And Turkey played a critical role, as we all know, in the
- international coalition that liberated Kuwait, valiantly serving
- our common interests in a lawful, international order and a
- stable region."
- </p>
- <p> President Bush praised Turkey and President Ozal throughout
- his visit. During a state dinner, President Bush said, "There
- has been no country as resolute as Turkey and no ally like
- President Ozal." He referred to Turkey as his "second home."
- </p>
- <p> According to the State Department, President Bush noted in
- his arrival speech in Turkey that human rights are a priority
- for the United States. State Department sources assert that
- human rights were raised during the president's meetings with
- President Ozal. Following the meetings, a senior White House
- official said in reference to President Bush's advocacy of
- respect for human rights, "There's really not much else we can
- do," although the president had made no public mention of such
- specific abuses as torture, repression of Kurdish civilians, or
- restrictions on freedom of expression and association.
- </p>
- <p> Greater specificity was found in the chapter on Turkey in
- the State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
- in 1990, which described more accurately than previous reports
- the appalling human rights picture in the country. Issued in
- February 1991, the report stated that torture "remains one of
- Turkey's principal human rights problems." The report also
- described in some detail restrictions on freedom of expression,
- proscriptions against Kurdish culture and language, overcrowded
- prisons, and the use of excessive force against noncombatants
- in the southeast.
- </p>
- <p> However, the report seriously understated Turkey's human
- rights abuses. For example, it stated that "many persons
- charged with political crimes are tortured and...significant
- numbers charged with ordinary crimes are subjected to police
- brutality." But Turkish lawyers, human rights activists and
- former detainees report that approximately ninety percent of
- political detainees and fifty percent of criminal suspects are
- tortured. The report also stated that "it is unclear whether any
- people died of torture during 1990." But Helsinki Watch has the
- names of seven people who died in suspicious circumstances
- during detention at various police station. The report also
- understates the government's repressive actions against Turkish
- Kurds in southeastern Turkey: forcibly evacuating mountain
- villages in which villagers have refused to serve in the
- security forces as village guards; sending eight Kurdish
- "troublemakers" into internal exile in late 1989 and early 1990;
- and detaining large numbers of Kurdish civilians with no known
- connection to the PKK.
- </p>
- <p> Despite even the serious and ongoing human rights violations
- in Turkey described in the Country Reports, the State
- Department continues to assert that progress is being made,
- apparently to discourage questioning of the massive U.S. aid
- program. In March, in a report to Congress justifying military
- aid to Turkey, the State Department described Turkey as "an
- open, democratic society with an improving human rights record,"
- although it went on to concede:
- </p>
- <p> "[S]ignificant problems remain. Chief among them are
- torture, certain restrictions on freedom of expression,
- proscriptions against Kurdish culture and language, overcrowded
- prisons, and the use of excessive force against noncombatants
- in the southeast to suppress terrorism."
- </p>
- <p> The same month, in a written response to questions raised by
- Representative Lee Hamilton, chairman of the House Subcommittee
- on European and Middle Eastern Affairs, the State Department
- elaborated on the problem of torture in Turkey:
- </p>
- <p> "Ambassador [Morton] Abramowitz has raised at the highest
- levels of the Turkish Government our concern over the
- continuation of torture. The President, Prime Minister, cabinet
- ministers, and leading parliamentarians are all aware of the
- seriousness with which we view this issue. Ambassador
- Abramowitz has made human rights a priority issue for the
- Mission and the importance assigned to it has not gone unnoticed
- by the Turkish Government, media, and people. He has frequently
- spoken about it in speeches. Embassy contacts note the concern
- expressed at high government levels filters down to working
- level security officials."
- </p>
- <p> "The Turkish government is opposed to torture. This practice
- is not condoned by the Government and has been widely condemned
- both publicly and privately, by officials from the President on
- down. The Minister of Justice has said torture is intolerable
- and that the Government is committed to "an all-out fight"
- against it."
- </p>
- <p> "Nevertheless, credible reports of torture persist
- throughout Turkey. Torture and mistreatment tend to be directed
- at political detainees during periods of incommunicado
- detention. Prosecution of torture allegations is increasing and
- the percentage of convictions in 1990 showed a small increase
- over 1989. However, acquittals exceed convictions, a large
- portion of allegations are dismissed after the preliminary
- investigation, and those found guilty generally receive light
- sentences."
- </p>
- <p> At the same time, there are signs that progress is being
- made. There is free and open debate on human rights issues--in the Government, in the press, and among private citizens. The
- media give generous coverage to human rights reports by such
- organizations as Amnesty International, Helsinki Watch, and the
- State Department. The Turkish Government has made efforts to
- curb the practice of incommunicado detention during which most
- torture is alleged to occur. Nevertheless, attorney access to
- political detainees is still frequently denied. The Government
- has been responsive to our inquiries for information on specific
- cases of concern to Senators, Congressmen, and human rights
- activists.
- </p>
- <p> In March, James Dobbins, acting assistant secretary of state
- for European affairs, told Chairman Hamilton that there were
- improvements in the treatment of the Kurds in Turkey in that
- they had "received some additional freedom to use their
- language, and...more is being proposed by the government." In
- fact, as noted above, the Kurdish language is still forbidden
- in official settings, at public meetings, and in prison meetings
- between lawyers and their clients--even when the clients do
- not speak Turkish. In addition, no books, magazines or other
- written materials are permitted to be published in Kurdish, and
- Kurdish music and dance continue to be restricted. The "more
- [freedom] proposed by the government" has yet to be announced.
- </p>
- <p> Chairman Hamilton continued his exchange with the State
- Department about human rights abuses in Turkey in a July 17
- letter. According to Chairman Hamilton, the August 5 response
- from Janet Mullins, assistant secretary of state for
- legislative affairs, spoke of positive advances on human rights
- issues, but failed to mention developments that "undermined the
- impact of some of these steps." Secretary Mullins made no
- mention of torture; the use of live ammunition as a method of
- crowd control; harassment; arrest, torture and imprisonment of
- Turkish Kurds; forced evacuation of Kurdish villagers who refuse
- to serve as village guards; the enactment of the draconian
- Anti-Terror Law; and restrictions of freedom of expression.
- </p>
- <p> At the September meeting in Moscow of the Conference on the
- Human Dimension, part of the Conference on Security and
- Cooperation in Europe, U.S. Ambassador Max Kampelman stated, in
- reference to Turkey:
- </p>
- <p> "Police brutality and torture are much too prevalent. These
- and related incidents of violence by government inaction do
- unnecessary damage to Turkey's reputation in the international
- community. Turkey, in these days of dramatic change and rising
- expectations, has an opportunity to exercise world leadership."
- </p>
- <p> However, despite the Administration's and his own assessment
- of the importance of human rights, Ambassador Abramowitz did
- not publicly criticize the enactment of the Anti-Terror Law,
- the suspicious deaths in detention, the use of live ammunition
- for crowd control, continued restrictions on freedom of
- expression, or the abuse of the Kurdish minority in the
- southeast. Concerning the deaths of suspected terrorists in
- police raids, Ambassador Abramowitz sharply criticized Helsinki
- Watch for issuing a newsletter calling for an end to such
- practices and suggested that the actions of the Turkish
- authorities were justified by the terrorist acts carried out by
- the militant group, Dev Sol, even though international law
- forbids summary execution regardless of the crime attributed to
- the victim. Ambassador Abramowitz wrote:
- </p>
- <p> "Dev Sol has nothing to do with human rights. Dev Sol has
- murdered two innocent Americans and wounded a third in the past
- year. The group has murdered dozens of high ranking Turkish
- officials, bombed the American Cultural Center in Izmir and the
- American Consulate in Adana.... As a result of the Turkish
- action against this group, I am glad to say they were not safe
- to attack the President or other Americans."
- </p>
- <p> Despite its open acknowledgment of at least the pattern of
- torture in Turkey, the Administration has failed to comply with
- Section 502B of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (as
- amended), which prohibits military and other forms of security
- assistance to a country that "engages in a consistent pattern
- of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights."
- Section 502B requires the Administration, if it wishes to
- provide aid to such a country, to submit to Congress a written
- statement by the president explaining the "extraordinary
- circumstances warranting provision of such assistance." Neither
- the Bush Administration nor any previous Administration has
- submitted such a statement to Congress, let alone cut off
- security assistance to Turkey.
- </p>
- <p> The U.S. government is also required by Section 701(a) of
- the International Financial Institutions Act of 1977 to oppose
- loans from multilateral lending institutions to countries that
- engage in a pattern of gross violations of internationally
- recognized human rights. Nevertheless, in the first six months
- of 1991, the Administration approved nine loans to Turkey
- totaling $652.6 million from the International Bank for
- Reconstruction and Development, the International Development
- Association, and the International Finance Corporation.
- </p>
- <p> Turkey continues to be the third largest recipient of U.S.
- aid, after Israel and Egypt. In fiscal year 1991, Turkey
- received $500 million in military aid plus $3,400,000 for
- military training. This was a slight increase over military
- assistance in fiscal year 1990, which totaled $497,850,000. Half
- of the 1991 military aid, $250 million, was to enable the Turks
- to acquire F-16 fighter jets. The rest, according to the State
- Department, was used for modernization programs for frigates and
- tanks, spare parts, and operation and maintenance expenses. In
- a special grant, Turkey also received an additional $82 million
- to compensate it for some of the expenses incurred during the
- Persian Gulf War, plus allied air defense equipment was donated
- to Turkey during the crisis. Other economic assistance in
- fiscal year 1991 was $50 million, up from $14,200,000 in the
- 1990 fiscal year, and about $300,000 to combat drug trafficking.
- </p>
- <p> The Administration has asked Congress to authorize $703.5
- million in military and economic assistance for fiscal year
- 1992, a considerable increase. Some of the money would help
- Turkey to acquire more F-16 fighter jets. The Administration has
- also announced its intention to provide excess military
- equipment to Turkey during fiscal year 1992. In testimony in
- March before the House Subcommittee on European and Middle
- Eastern Affairs, Defense Department spokesman Bruce Weinrod
- indicated that the value of such equipment provided in 1990 and
- 1991 totaled $128 million.
- </p>
- <p> Ambassador Abramowitz, until he left his post in August,
- continued to raise human rights concerns in speeches to Turkish
- groups, and to describe the protection of human rights as a
- major objective of the Embassy and the U.S. government. Under
- his direction, the Embassy also took a number of steps relating
- to human rights:
- </p>
- <p>-- In May, it assisted the Turkish-American Association in
- sponsoring a human rights seminar entitled "Sharing Strategies
- for Human Rights Legislation." Two American speakers addressed
- the seminar: U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf, of Boston, who
- spoke on the role of an independent judiciary in implementing
- human rights, and Professor Burt Neuborne of New York University
- School of Law, who spoke on civil liberties. Turks who took
- part included Eyup Asik, chairman of the Parliamentary Human
- Rights Commission; Fuat Atalay, a parliamentarian from the
- Social Democratic People's Party; and Nevzat Helvaci, president
- of the Human Rights Association (HRA).
- </p>
- <p>-- Embassy officers met with representatives of the HRA, the
- Human Rights Foundation, the Contemporary Lawyers' Association,
- and the Parliamentary Human Rights Commission.
- </p>
- <p>-- Embassy staff attended the HRA's "Human Rights Week"
- programs in December 1990, met with HRA branches in Istanbul and
- Bursa in September 1991, and visited the Human Rights
- Foundation's Center for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims
- in May 1991.
- </p>
- <p>-- Embassy staff attended the trial of sociologist Ismail
- Besikci in October, and plan to attend the forthcoming trials
- of attorneys Murat Demir, Bedeyii Karagici and Fethiye Peksen.
- </p>
- <p>-- An Embassy officer attended an October symposium on the
- International Protection of Human Rights, attended by European
- human rights institutional personnel and Turkish officials and
- academics.
- </p>
- <p>-- Embassy officials report that they have investigated dozens
- of cases alleging human rights abuse and have protested
- discriminatory laws, regulations and practices to Turkish
- officials.
- </p>
- <p> The U.S. Ambassador-designate to Turkey, Richard Barkley,
- took a useful first step in October by requesting meetings with
- both Helsinki Watch and Amnesty International to hear their
- evaluations of the human rights situation in Turkey.
- </p>
- <p> Helsinki Watch recommends that the U.S. government publicly
- condemn the human rights abuses detailed in this report and, as
- required by Section 502B of the Foreign Assistance Act, state
- clearly what, if any, extraordinary circumstances warrant
- provision of military and security assistance to Turkey in
- light of its consistent pattern of gross violations of human
- rights. In addition, we recommend, as we have in the past, that
- the Administration use its best efforts, including linkage to
- aid, to persuade the Turkish government to:
- </p>
- <p>-- Acknowledge the pattern of torture in police detention
- centers and take aggressive steps to end it.
- </p>
- <p>-- Enforce the September 1989 decree guaranteeing detainees the
- right to be represented by attorneys from the moment of
- detention.
- </p>
- <p>-- Prohibit the use in court of confessions obtained by torture.
- </p>
- <p>-- Prosecute and increase sentences for torturers.
- </p>
- <p>-- Allow the International Committee of the Red Cross and other
- international organizations to visit detainees and prisoners on
- a regular basis.
- </p>
- <p>-- Release from custody all those held for the peaceful
- expression of their political views.
- </p>
- <p>-- Deploy nonlethal methods of crowd control and, in
- particular, end the use of live ammunition except when necessary
- to prevent a threat to life.
- </p>
- <p>-- Punish appropriately security force members who kill
- civilians without justification during demonstrations.
- </p>
- <p>-- When conducting police raids on suspected terrorists'
- houses, abide by international standards requiring law
- enforcement officials to use lethal force only when absolutely
- necessary and in proportion to the immediate danger faced.
- </p>
- <p>-- Stop all legal actions brought by the government against the
- press, writers and publishers based on the views they express
- in their writings or the factual material they report.
- </p>
- <p>-- Rescind the decrees that succeeded Decree 413 and restore
- the rights to freedom of expression and movement suspended by
- those decrees.
- </p>
- <p>-- Repeal the Anti-Terror Law.
- </p>
- <p>-- Acknowledge the existence of the Kurdish minority in Turkey
- and grant its members the civil and political rights held by
- other Turks.
- </p>
- <p>-- End restrictions that deprive Kurds of their ethnic
- identity, including restrictions on the use of Kurdish language,
- music and dance.
- </p>
- <p>-- Abolish the village guard system.
- </p>
- <p>-- End efforts to relocate civilians from troubled areas except
- in instances in which the security of the civilians or
- imperative military necessity so demand.
- </p>
- <p>-- Punish appropriately the abuse and humiliation of civilians
- by security forces.
- </p>
- <p>The Work of Helsinki Watch
- </p>
- <p> During 1991, Helsinki Watch continued its attempts to
- improve human rights in Turkey by focusing attention on Turkey's
- dreadful human rights record and trying to persuade the Bush
- Administration to pressure the Turkish government to end human
- rights abuses.
- </p>
- <p> In February, Helsinki Watch issued two newsletters--"Turkey: Five Deaths in Detention in January," and "Turkey: Two
- More Deaths in Detention in February"--which detailed the
- suspicious deaths in detention of seven people. A third
- newsletter the same month reported on a violent crackdown on
- anti-war demonstrations which resulted in two deaths and many
- injuries.
- </p>
- <p> In June, Helsinki Watch issued a newsletter, "Turkey: New
- Restrictive Anti-Terror Law," which described and explained the
- new Anti-Terror Law and its restrictive uses. The same month,
- Helsinki Watch issued a newsletter, "Freedom of Expression in
- Turkey: Abuses Continue," which detailed scores of violations
- of freedom of expression--in the press, publishing and the
- arts.
- </p>
- <p> In July, a newsletter, "Turkey: Human Rights Activist
- Killed; Police Shoot and Kill Three at his Funeral: Human
- Rights Association Attacked," was issued describing the killing
- of human rights activist Vedat Aydin, other violent attacks on
- human rights monitors and officials, and the fatal shooting by
- security forces of seven participants in Aydin's funeral
- procession.
- </p>
- <p> At the end of July, Helsinki Watch released a newsletter,
- "Turkey: Torture, Killings by Police and Political Violence
- Increasing," which condemned increases in torture, killings by
- police and political violence. The newsletter described a
- marked increase in the number of suspicious deaths in detention,
- as well as killings of demonstrators by security forces and of
- suspected terrorists in police raids. The newsletter also
- described and condemned an increase in violent acts of political
- terrorism, including assassinations of thirteen people during
- 1991, and attacks by the PKK on civilians in the southeast.
- </p>
- <p> Some of Helsinki Watch's newsletters were covered in the
- Turkish press.
- </p>
- <p> At the time of President Bush's visit to Turkey, an op-ed
- article written by Helsinki Watch appeared in Newsday, and
- editorials based on Helsinki Watch's monitoring in Turkey
- appeared in The New York Times and The Washington Post.
- </p>
- <p> Throughout the year, Helsinki Watch sent protests to Turkish
- officials concerning detentions, trials and abuses of human
- rights activists, journalists and lawyers. Some of these
- protests were reported in the Turkish press.
- </p>
- </body>
- </article>
- </text>